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Panasonic nanoe X technology

The development of nanoe X began with Panasonic back in 2001. “Nanoes” are nano sized (one billionth of a metre) electrostatic atomized water particles.

They are created by applying high voltage to the water found in air moisture. nanoe™ X particles are approximately 5nm ~ 20nm in size. They have a lifespan 6 times longer than other general negative ions.

Making the particles

Since 2003, nanoe X has been adopted in homes, public facilities (offices, hospitals and hotels) and in transportation (vehicles and trains, such as the Toyota Harrier) to improve the indoor air quality.

A nanoe X capable device, such as the ClimaPure™ XE generates approximately 480 billion highly reactive components known as hydroxyl (OH) radicals per second. OH radicals react to hydrogen (H) contained in pollen, hazardous substance proteins, and odor compounds, they alter their nature and inhibit them. At the end of the process, these negative hydroxyl (OH) radicals combine with positive hydrogen ions (H+, also knows as protons) to form common water (H-O-H = H2O) molecules.

Panasonic co-developed the innovative multi-leader discharge system under the leadership of Professor Yoshio Higashiyama, of Yamagata University’s Faculty of Engineering in Japan. Inside the device, the 4 needle-shaped electrodes concentrate the discharge and produce 4.8 trillion OH radicals per second.

nanoe X particles reach deep into fabrics, attack odour molecules and deodorize unpleasant smells. These highly reactive particles steal hydrogen from the protein molecules of organic substances, destroying and inhibiting the vitality of mould, pollen, and hazardous substances. Negative hydroxyl radicals also suppress allergens and hazardous substances in the PM2.5 size range.

How PM2.5 particles affect health

Particles in the PM2.5 size range are able to travel through the respiratory tract, reaching the lungs. Exposure to these fine particles can cause irritation of the eyes, nose, throat, and lungs. It can also cause coughing, sneezing, a runny nose, and shortness of breath.

These particles can worsen the symptoms of respiratory and circulatory conditions, such as asthma and heart disease. Long term exposure may be associated with increased rates of bronchitis and lung cancer. Elderly people and young children are more sensitive to these PM2.5 particles.

nanoe X improves health and indoor air quality by inhibiting the activity of both airborne and surface adhered hazardous substances. The number of airborne hazardous substances were reduced to near zero levels in 8 hours, and 99.99% of adhered pollutants in 1 hour.

nanoe™ X particle size comparison

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