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air conditioner maintenance

Air Conditioner Maintenance & 7 Other Important AC-Related Things

Annual air conditioner maintenance is one of the most important things you can do to ensure your air conditioner is running properly and efficiently.

Proper air conditioner maintenance is also one of the best ways to keep your air conditioner running longer, so replacement units are fewer and farther between. It’s a big mistake to forgo air conditioner maintenance, and here are 7 other mistakes you might be making when it comes to home cooling.

Air Conditioner Filters – Part of air conditioner maintenance is changing the filter, but it shouldn’t end there. The air conditioner and HVAC filter should be inspected and changed at least once every month. Changing the air filter is easy and can improve the efficiency of your system immediately.

Programmable Thermostats – A programmable thermostat is one of the best ways to ensure your system is running as efficiently as possible. This reduces the wear and tear on your system and also ensures that you’re not paying high rates on your energy bill when you don’t need to. Smart thermostats make programming even easier as they understand your habits and adjust the temperature accordingly.

Incorrectly Setting a Thermostat – The human body can adapt to changing temperatures quite easily. If you’re setting your thermostat too low during the summer to keep your home and body temperature very low, you might be wasting money. Every degree setting lower in the summer can increase your energy bill by up to 3%. Allow your body to adjust to higher temperatures so you can save money in the summer.

FansVentilation fans are a powerful addition to air conditioning systems. They help circulate air throughout your home, so your air conditioner doesn’t have to work as hard. Ensure that your fan is rotating counterclockwise during the summer months to assist with airflow.

Poorly Positioned Vents – It’s tough to choose where your vents are located in your home, but it’s important that they aren’t blocked by furniture or curtains. Obstructed vents aren’t able to properly cool your home or circulate the air. This makes your system work harder than it has to, which in turn costs you money.

Empty Rooms – It’s not always the best idea to close vents in your house as it affects the pressure of your home, but if you can put dampers on the pipes leading to empty rooms in your home and close them when they’re not in use you won’t be cooling empty rooms. When doing this it’s important to close the doors to those rooms so cold air is sucked into them.

Window Coverings – Sunlight is wonderful, but it’s also the biggest thing fighting your air conditioner. By coming through the windows and heating the air in your home, sunlight can be making your system work harder to keep your home cool. shades and blinds are the best defense against the sun when it’s shining through your windows.

For more information contact Nordics today: 905-707-5300 or Toll Free: 1-844-707-5300

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