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air conditioning

3 Reasons Air Conditioning Is Good for Your Health

Everywhere you look these days someone is telling you how hot it is outside and to find air conditioning. The weatherman is constantly proclaiming a heat warning, seniors are being told to stay indoors, and 60 SPF sunscreen is flying off store shelves.

It might seem like the amount of advice you get during the summer is overwhelming, but everyone just has your best interests in mind. At Nordics, we do as well, which is why we’ve put together this short list of 3 ways that air conditioning is good for your health.

Air Conditioning is Healthy

  1. Dehydration: This might not be news to you, but in the summer you sweat. Sometimes you might not realize how much moisture your body is actually losing until you feel dizzy, get a headache, or any other symptoms of dehydration. It can happen fast, so while drinking lots of water is an important part of keeping cool, ensuring you have easy access to air conditioning is essential. Your body can take time to hydrate, but by keeping your body cool you’re reducing the amount you sweat and your core température.
  2. Indoor Air Quality: Air conditioning is designed to do just that, “condition” the air and clean air. In doing so the air that’s circulated through your air conditioner is filtered. Pollen, dust, smells, and other particles are removed and the air you’re now breathing is much cleaner and healthier.
  3. Humidity: Humidity levels might not be important to you, but some people have difficulty breathing when humidity is high. Additionally, vapor in the air is also a major contributor to mould growth. If mould is allowed to form in your home, you’ll be breathing in mold spores, which can contribute to a number of respiratory issues.

For more information contact Nordics today: 905-707-5300 or Toll Free: 1-844-707-5300

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